Thursday, April 23, 2009

Advocate « the Air Vent
We know the data doesn’t even consider supporting these conclusions, yet they are regularly made and exaggerated by scientists intentionally leaving out key words which would correct the meaning. For instance we know hurricanes are not increasing in intensity, they’re not!. We also know the earth is in a cooling spell for the last decade, yet scientists are continually selling increased, accelerated warming.

Advocates are everywhere,where skeptics often fail is using the correct terms. Advocates needs to be described as what they are.
Young conservatives protest Obama's green agenda. - By Christopher Beam - Slate Magazine
Finding a private solution to climate change is trickier, which is why the conservative reaction to claims of global warming ranges from silence to skepticism, without many constructive alternatives. The goal of Wednesday's protest seemed to be just that—to present market-based alternatives—but few materialized.
Science Extra podcast: Nicholas Stern's Blueprint for a Safer Planet lecture at the London School of Economics
Lord Stern outlines the climate change crisis and how we can solve it in a lecture at the London School of Economics on 21 April 2009
School is first to get solar panels
It should save around two tonnes [why not just buy two bogus carbon offsets for $6] of carbon dioxide.

Pupils can keep track of how much renewable energy the panels are generating and the amount of carbon dioxide they have saved to date by checking a monitor in the school.

The £20,000 solar panels are half-funded through The Co-operative’s £2 million Green Energy for Schools scheme, with match-funding from the Government’s Low Carbon Building Programme.
Catlin Arctic Ice Survey: paid advertising of results before they are even off the ice! « Watts Up With That?
Tell me, Dr. Kwok, just how will Catlin Arctic Survey tell me how soon “global warming will affect my business’?

A better question might be, “how soon will your association with these people ruin your career”? Do you already have the results of the data analysis ready to go with the advertising campaign?

Perhaps we should let Mr. Kwok know what is going on, because the sooner he distances himself from these people, the less chance that JPL will be tarnished further. As a US taxpayer I am concerned that our publicly funded science programs have anything to do with the Catlin farce.
In the meantime, I weep for science.

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