Tuesday, April 28, 2009

American Thinker: Offshore Oil Drilling: An Environmental Bonanza
"Environmentalists" wake up in the middle of the night sweating and whimpering about offshore oil platforms only because they've never seen what's under them. Louisiana produces almost 30 per cent of America's commercial fisheries. Only Alaska (ten times the size of the Bayou state) produces slightly more. So obviously, Louisiana's coastal waters are immensely rich and prolific in seafood.

These same coastal waters contain 3,200 of the roughly 3,700 offshore production platforms in the Gulf of Mexico. These oil production platforms off the Bayou state's coasts also extract 80 percent of the oil and 72 percent of the natural gas produced in the Continental U.S., without causing a single major oil spill in half a century of this process. This record stands despite dozens of hurricanes -- including the two most destructive in North American history, Camille and Katrina -- repeatedly battering the drilling and production structures. So for those interested in evidence over hysterics, by simply looking bayou-ward, a lesson in the "environmental perils" of offshore oil drilling presents itself very clearly.
Twitter / Milan Marinkovich
PropObamaganda: The result of dear leader talking about the greatest hoax of our time, global warming.
Sky News: Wong, Obama talk climate change
In a statement on Tuesday, Senator Wong said the meeting concentrated on technologies which could cut greenhouse gas emissions.

'Australia outlined the importance of carbon capture and storage in reducing emissions globally - and the work of the Australian-led Global CCS Institute in driving this,' Senator Wong said.

Meanwhile, Parliamentary Secretary for Climate Change Greg Combet, who remained in Australia, defended the government's emissions trading scheme (ETS) in the face of criticism from business.

On Tuesday, Woodside Energy warned the scheme would threaten the creation of thousands of jobs in the liquefied natural gas sector.

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