Friday, April 17, 2009

 Believe it or not, global cooling to start in 2023!
FLORIDA: Various theories are being propounded about the global warming phenomenon due to rise in green house gas emissions, coal, pollution, animal waste. But now a new research done by David Dilley of Global Weather Oscillation does blame the earth or the any of these causes for the rising temperature. It is is earth’s natural satellite –moon.

Due to the significance of these finds, Meteorologist and climate researcher David Dilley has offered his book, Global Warming-Global Cooling, Natural Cause Found” for download free of cost at
Such A Waste of Political Energy
This electric car policy is straight out of the Drones Club. It is worthy of a Bingo Little or The Honourable Frederick (Freddie) Threepwood . It is a policy from a Government that has lost its way completely on energy. It is the triumph of vacuous spin over substance.

Above all, however, it demonstrates electrifyingly how ‘global warming’ political hysteria is starting to warp sensible energy policy, and in a most dangerous way for the country.

Wearily, one must further observe that it is such a waste of political time and energy. We have more important things to do than to watch two grinning ministers take a spin round a racing circuit in Fife.
Environment - Climate Change - Living with climate change in Europe
In April 2009 the European Commission presented a policy paper known as a White Paper which presents the framework for adaptation measures and policies to reduce the European Union's vulnerability to the impacts of climate change.

Decisions on how best to adapt to climate change must be based on solid scientific and economic analysis. It is therefore important to increase the understanding of climate change and the impacts it will have. The White Paper outlines the need to create a Clearing House Mechanism by 2011 where information on climate change risks, impacts and best practices would be exchanged between governments, agencies, and organisations working on adaptation policies.

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