Sunday, April 12, 2009

Biofuels bad | Biofools | The Economist
Farming biofuels produces nitrous oxide. This is bad for climate change
This week Dr Townsend, and others involved in something called the International Nitrogen Initiative, are meeting in Paris to try to organise an international assessment of what is going on. This would do for nitrogen what the IPCC has done for carbon. To some, worries about nitrogen will doubtless seem to be no more than the latest environmental bandwagon. But the case of biofuels shows that without proper consideration of all greenhouse gases, not just CO2, it is too easy to rush headlong into expensive methods of mitigation that actually make things worse.
The Enid News and Eagle, Enid, OK - Debate continues on Earth climate change and global warming
However, there is a large community of scientists who do not agree with this theory on global warming. While everyone knows what global warming is, many do not know there is a rebuttal out there.
Obama on global warming ship of fools | Survival Times
My comment: the whole man made global warming idiocy is falling apart. The Senate shot down fast tracking global warming legislation. It does not appear that Obama has the political skills to get "cap and tax" passed. This is a good thing as the actual weather will expose the global warming sham for what it is, a naked power and money grab by government.
What if the Catlin Arctic Ice Survey is for naught? « Watts Up With That? the Catlin team suffers on the ground, the satellites are watching the ice recover.
Since 2007, the global sea ice area anomaly has increased by more than 3,000,000 km2 and is now more than 600,000 km2 above the 1979-2000 mean. You could fit England, Spain, France and Mexico inside the recovered ice area.

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