Saturday, April 11, 2009

CO2 - Love It: Finally Some Sanity? NDP Promises to Scrap BC Carbon Tax
An NDP promise to eliminate the Liberals' carbon tax on fossil fuel is the biggest single element in the party's fiscal plan, costing the government around $1.8 billion over three years.

The carbon tax, first imposed last July, stands at 2.4 cents a litre but is slated to rise steadily as a way of taxing greenhouse gas emissions.
Sunburned: Solar's Dirty Little Secrets | Mac|Life
Green gadgets make our collective heart go pitter-patter. We feel good when we can be part of the solution. Solar-powered gadgets have become de rigueur in our attempts at shrinking our carbon footprint. And utilizing the power of the sun is the one bright shining beacon of the alternative-energy movement. But there is a dark side to solar energy.
Climate: Bull or Bear Trend? | JoNova
Awkwardly, the short and long terms correlations are distinctly poor while in the medium term the correlation is excellent but backwards: temperature rises or falls first, then carbon dioxide. The lag is not just a few weeks, but around 800 years. So carbon dioxide is not a leading indicator for temperature on this time scale either. (Oddly the lag is well known among climate scientists, but apparently not so among journalists and documentary movie makers).

So the fundamental basis on which the IPCC is making its predictions doesn’t seem as strong as their 800 page, six yearly reports suggest. Have they been talking up their own book, drawing fat fees based on nothing more than a bullish period that they didn’t really understand?

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