Monday, April 27, 2009

Dark Ages Redux « Climate Change Sanity
But let’s talk about if we should be doing anything at all.

First of all, the man-made global warming scare is a scam.
Worldchanging: Bright Green: Geoengineering and the New Climate Denialism
Sixth and last, Continue outing the Carbon Lobby and its cronies, and reject their intervention in the debate. Legitimate debates about the possible uses of megascale geoengineering should not include people whose institutions have been consistently and intentionally dishonest about science and science policy.
No Nukes: What do new FERC Chairman and Greenpeace USA Boss Have in Common? - Environmental Capital - WSJ
On his first day on the job, new Greenpeace USA head honcho hung out with some co-workers.

Actually, Phil Radford was arrested with six other Greenpeace activists who unfurled a giant banner from a construction crane in Washington D.C. near a state-department meeting of ministers from the largest greenhouse-gas emitting nations.
All of this raises a question. Whose is the real radical? The guy inside the political power corridors – or the one dangling from a crane above them?

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