Friday, April 10, 2009

Electric Car Makers: Oregon Wants You - Green Inc. Blog -
“My vision has always been for Oregonians to be able to drive from Astoria to Ontario and from Portland to Ashland emission free,” Mr. Kulongoski said. “Families could be making that drive in an emission-free vehicle manufactured in Oregon by Oregonians.”
Some countries allegedly not getting enough climate scam money
Four former chairs of the least developed countries group said 48 of these countries, identified as particularly vulnerable to the impact of climate change, would need at least $2 billion over the next five years from the LDCF to help them implement their National Adaptation Programmes of Action (NAPA).

In the eight years since the LDCF's inception in 2001, the Global Environment Facility (GEF), which manages the fund, has been able to raise $172 million. GEF said its target in the next four years was to reach $500 million, the amount the UNFCCC estimates it will take to finance NAPA implementation, but which most experts say is too low.
Twitter / David Simmer
So you wanna hold a public global-warming-denial get-together? At least call it what it is. Labeling it a "forum" is disgusting / dishonest.
August '08: I personally attended one of these alarmist "forums"; there were no climate realist speakers
Dr. James Hansen and Will Steger headline education forums at the Science Museum of Minnesota

ST. PAUL – NASA Scientist Dr. James Hansen has teamed up with the Science Museum of Minnesota, Will Steger Foundation, Aveda, Fresh Energy, 1Sky, and a panel of experts to educate key individuals on solutions to global warming.

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