Friday, April 24, 2009

EU Referendum: Cynical and meaningless
There is a certain air of unreality in the pronouncements of this dying Labour government, viz the expected announcement from climate change minister Ed Miliband.

Despite the fact that little Eddie is not going to see the inside of a red box past June of next year, he clambered to his feet in the Commons today to declare that there was a "solution to the challenge" that coal presents in causing "dangerous climate change".
The only real dissent came off-stage from the Guardian's George Monbiot, who thought the whole statement was "cynical and meaningless". Just for once, we do hope he is right – not that we need worry about the final outcome. By 2020, we'll all be freezing, and wondering why previous governments poured £4 billion down the drain.
The Reference Frame: Polish NAS joined climate skeptics
It explains why the recent changes were small in comparison with the historical evolution and why the most recent measurements do not offer us enough data to validate complex models. The scholars agree that the greenhouse effect is real and identify water vapor as the key greenhouse gas. They emphasize that the climate must be studied in its entirety, including the geological context, and the focus must shift away from CO2.

The academy diplomatically concludes that adaptation to whatever occurs is the way to go and that taking dramatic and expensive steps to reduce just some selected greenhouse gases which are just a small portion of the drivers of the climate may turn out to be counterproductive.

Let me say that I am convinced that pretty much all natural and exact scientists in Central Europe would subscribe to this statement but I am not sure whether this fact is enough to eliminate the hordes of crackpots who have flooded many Western and other academies, schools, companies, and journals during the most recent 5 years or so.
Don't miss it: 10 Questions for Al Gore - HUMAN EVENTS
Mr. Global Warming himself, Al Gore, is the star witness today in the House Energy and Commerce Committee hearing Democrats’ cap-and-tax global warming bill.

The bill -- recently introduced by Reps. Henry Waxman (D-Hollywood) and Edward Markey (D-Kennedywood) -- is labeled the “American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009,” which is as Orwellian a name as the “Employee Free Choice Act,” which is of course the way to deny secret ballots to employees in union elections.

This bill should be named the “Al Gore Enrichment Act. ”

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