Saturday, April 25, 2009

Gore and Gingrich Debate Cap and Trade - Associated Content
Chairman Henry Waxman accused Gingrich of trying to scare people. But then, cap and trade is pretty scary, as Congressman John Dingall, a Democrat, suggested. Dingall not only agreed that cap and trade is a big tax on energy, but would not work without the participation of other countries, such as China.

Cap and trade would also the kind of tax that Democrats pretend to oppose, one that takes from the working class and gives to the wealthy. According to a recent article in US News:

"The cap-and-trade system being touted on Capitol Hill would create a multibillion-dollar playground that would, once again, create a group of wealthy traders benefiting at the expense of millions of average families—middle to low-income households that would end up paying more for food, energy, and almost everything else they buy."
Ironically cap and trade looks like it is a solution in search of a problem. The Earth has actually been undergoing a cooling trend since 1998. Cap and trade looks like an economically disastrous policy that would cause corruption in order to not fix a problem that really doesn't exist anyway. Pretty good for government work.

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