Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Grass Valley, California: CO2-heated winter so warm that only a majority of the adult shad population died from the cold
This past winter the shad spawn coincided with a cold snap, which killed off the majority of the adult shad population.
Corn Gains as Planting in U.S. Slows on Rain and Cold Weather - Bloomberg.com
April 21 (Bloomberg) -- Corn rose for the first time in three days after U.S. government data showed the planting rate in the Midwest lagged behind the five-year average as rain and cold weather left some fields too wet for farm machinery.

About 5 percent of the crop was planted in the 18 states that produce most U.S. corn as of April 19, compared with an average of 14 percent planted from 2004 to 2008, the U.S. Department of Agriculture report said yesterday.
Catholics Unveil 'Unprecedented' [Climate Fraud] Initiative - Fresh Greens (usnews.com)
The Catholic Climate Coalition today unveiled a campaign for Catholic families, parishes, schools and hospitals to consider their environmental impact and its effect on the disadvantaged, who bear the brunt of the consequences of climate change.
Zogby poll data shows that Catholics are ready to act. More than half of Catholics identify global warming as a serious problem, and more than two-thirds believe that we know enough about global warming to act now. Two-thirds of Catholics also believe that future generations will be affected by climate change.

"Catholics are a large swing vote, and this shows that Catholics have swung on this issue," said John Zogby in a press conference call.

The Catholic Climate Coalition hopes to influence key members of committees on Capitol Hill regarding climate legislation, and cap-and-trade.

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