Friday, April 10, 2009

Michelle Malkin » Environmentally-friendly restaurant delivers pizza 800 miles for ‘green’ president
It’s good to know that a pizza place claims to be trying to meet the needs of the present without compromising future generations, because the people they’re delivering pizza to aren’t.

Now let’s all go plant some trees so the Obamas and their staff can enjoy the environmentally-friendly meal free from the carbon footprint guilt that a 1,600 mile round-trip pizza delivery might normally bring.
Dalton Minimum Returns: Sunspot impact on our climate
Stormx has some very interesting graphics on the impact sunspots, or the lack of sunspots, has on global temperatures.
California Hypocrisy - Greg Pollowitz - Planet Gore on National Review Online
California supports environmental regulation, just not the kind that affect them personally. Like taking shorter showers or watering your lawn...
American Thinker Blog: Obama Science Chief: Shoot at Global Warming, not ICBMs
It would appear that in Holdren’s world, the wholly hypothetical dangers of melting sea-ice and inches of sea-level rise merit “last resort” response while all-too-real nuclear-armed ICBMs headed for America do not.

Madness, indeed.
Marc Morano Statement on NYT Profile: 'Mainstream media appears to be realizing that climate skepticism has gone mainstream!'  | Climate Depot
Overall, not a bad article by the New York Times reporter Leslie Kaufman. The fact that the NYT has done this profile of a skeptic in such a balanced way, simply reveals that [the] tide is turning. An article like this would not have been possible just two years ago. The mainstream media appears to be realizing that climate skepticism has gone mainstream!

The Times reports "Mr. Gore’s office said Mr. Gore had no memory of the encounter" with me in 2007 during a flight in which Gore rebuffed me. Yet, according to Joe Romm of Climate Progress, Gore appears to remember the incident after all.

Romm reports in an April 10 post: "I happened to be speaking to Gore today and he remarked on this Morano fable and said he just doesn’t remember it happening the way Morano describes."

Hmm. Gore tells NYT that he has "no memory of the encounter" yet Romm says Gore "doesn't remember it happening the way Morano describes."

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