Saturday, April 25, 2009

More than a numbers game | The Daily Telegraph
...Yet the environmental movement is seemingly inextricably bound up in the sort of misanthropy of which Kanck is only an extreme example.

Years of dreary campaigns that turn every human achievement from powered flight to the incandescent light globe into nothing more than a carbon footprint that must be cut and eliminated show a real lack of imagination.

And they suggest a subconscious desire to return to some green Garden of Eden that never was - and when life was a whole lot harder and a whole lot shorter for the lack of technology.
Gore demands obedience | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
“Partisan differences” could easily be overcome, Al, if you suddenly announced you’d checked the science and realised the world wasn’t warming in a way consistent with theories that man’s gases are causing the planet to cook. Debate would all but end overnight. Bi-partisanship achieved.
Twitter / Garland Davis
Just got dome watching KNOWING at the movies with my wife. What's with all the global warming propaganda these days?
IInvestor's Business Daily -- Bogus Models Used To Justify Anti-CO2 Push
Few things are more appealing in politics than something for nothing.

As Congress begins considering anti-global-warming legislation, environmentalists hold out precisely that tantalizing prospect: We can conquer global warming at virtually no cost.

Here's a typical claim from the Environmental Defense Fund: "For about a dime a day (per person), we can solve climate change, invest in a clean energy future and save billions in imported oil."

This sounds too good to be true, because it is.

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