More than a numbers game | The Daily Telegraph
...Yet the environmental movement is seemingly inextricably bound up in the sort of misanthropy of which Kanck is only an extreme example.Gore demands obedience | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
Years of dreary campaigns that turn every human achievement from powered flight to the incandescent light globe into nothing more than a carbon footprint that must be cut and eliminated show a real lack of imagination.
And they suggest a subconscious desire to return to some green Garden of Eden that never was - and when life was a whole lot harder and a whole lot shorter for the lack of technology.
“Partisan differences” could easily be overcome, Al, if you suddenly announced you’d checked the science and realised the world wasn’t warming in a way consistent with theories that man’s gases are causing the planet to cook. Debate would all but end overnight. Bi-partisanship achieved.Twitter / Garland Davis
Just got dome watching KNOWING at the movies with my wife. What's with all the global warming propaganda these days?IInvestor's Business Daily -- Bogus Models Used To Justify Anti-CO2 Push
Few things are more appealing in politics than something for nothing.
As Congress begins considering anti-global-warming legislation, environmentalists hold out precisely that tantalizing prospect: We can conquer global warming at virtually no cost.
Here's a typical claim from the Environmental Defense Fund: "For about a dime a day (per person), we can solve climate change, invest in a clean energy future and save billions in imported oil."
This sounds too good to be true, because it is.
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