No backers for Rudd’s reckless plan | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
Here’s the real growing consensus among the public - that global warming theory is wildly exaggerated. Professor Ian Plimer’s book Heaven and Earth, countering the warming hysteria, has sold 5000 copies in just its first week. It’s already getting a second printing.Tim Ball: Obama flunks Global Warming 101 on Fargo
I’ll ask again: is the climate changing?
Sorry President Obama, the Fargo flooding was not due to global warming or even a harbinger of an increased potential. It was a natural event aggravated by a colder winter and more snow. If global warming were to occur, in the Red River case less spring flooding would result.Oklahoma, Illinois, North Dakota, Montana: Cold, late spring hampers corn farmers
In northeast Oklahoma, a farmer reports corn was planted last month. “The corn I planted March 20, before all the rain, is still not up,” the farmer reports. “It has had 5 inches of snow and numerous hard freezes on it so far.”
A farmer from southwestern Illinois says normally planters hit the field around April 15. But this year, he says, he believes the earliest a planter will roll in his area will be sometime after April 25.
In North Dakota, a farmer says there is still plenty of snow and cold weather lingering around. “There is no way will we be in the field by end of April,” the farmer says.
A farmer in Daniels County, Mont., says they still have snow on the ground and freezing temps every night. “It will be 10 to 15 days till we are in the field.”
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