Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Obama officials peddle climate fraud to Congress
WASHINGTON, April 22 (Reuters) - Key Obama administration officials on Wednesday called on Congress to pass comprehensive energy and climate change legislation to reduce U.S. oil imports and fight global warming.
"On this Earth Day, we must state in no uncertain terms that we have a responsibility to our children and their children to curb the carbon emissions from fossil fuels that have begun to change our climate," U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu said at a hearing before the House Energy and Commerce Committee.
EPA head Lisa Jackson said the cost to Americans from the bill would be "modest compared to the benefits that science and plain common sense tell us a comprehensive energy and climate policy will deliver."
Green Bay: For the second straight year, record seasonal snowfall
Like it or not, the 2008-09 snowfall has set a record for the snowiest winter season Green Bay has seen in well over 100 years.

At 87.7 inches of snow to date, the season is second to none since 1900.

It makes last year’s winter of 87.4 inches a distant memory, and the winter of 1922-23 has slipped to third place in the record books from 1900 to date.
The “Conserve the Earth” Day Global Warming Beach Party Rally | CEI
The “Conserve the Earth” Day - Global Warming Beach Party Rally

Wednesday, April 22nd from 11:45am-12:45pm in front of the EPA!

Christopher C. Horner
Andrew Langer

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