Friday, April 10, 2009

TerraPass Joins Business Council on Climate Change
Fighting climate change is our day job, but that doesn’t stop us from doing it in our free time too.
Step right up and buy your TerraPass carbon offsets, then sit back and watch the Earth's climate improve!
4-person family annual carbon offset - $369.00
Driving, flying and home energy offsets for the average 4-person family
Moonbattery: Global Warming Looters' Bonanza
"Victims" will be entitled to collect up to $1.5 million apiece. Since global warming is a fantasy, anything can be blamed on it. Too bad for lawyers they didn't think of looting the public treasury over the misdeeds of demons during the Middle Ages.

The "green jobs" we've been promised are likely to consist of mowing the expansive lawns of trial lawyers, who as parasites are among the few that actually benefit from moonbattery.
That's not a scam, it's a "growth opportunity": Mexico Plans Carbon Market for Pemex, Power, Cement Companies - Carbon Offsets Daily
We want companies to see climate change as a growth opportunity and a way to improve competitiveness,” Godinez Rosales said in an interview in Bonn, Germany, where he was attending United Nations climate treaty negotiations. “Cap-and- trade is in its design phase at the moment.”
Reality check - Google Trends: "global warming", "al gore", craigslist

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