Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Three items via Gore Lied

Socialist Left Party member wants to ban new gasoline-powered cars in Norway by 2015. Will she undermine Norway’s standing as #6 oil exporter in the world? “Not at all” | GORE LIED

Halvorsen denied that her proposal would undermine the economy — Norway is the world’s number six oil exporter.

Not at all … we know that the world will be dependent on oil and gas for many decades ahead but we have to introduce new technologies and this is a proposal to support that,” she said.
YouTube - Al Gore fat faced farce of fear under Global Warming guise
Open letter to Al Gore about Global Warming, this in light of House Democrats refusing to allow a debate of the issue with scientists who say it is BS http://www.climatedepot.com
Caveat Lector: Ecology and Kids - WSJ.com
As to Meghan Cox Gurdon' s "Scary Green Monsters" (Taste, April 17), it is not so much that children are deprived of innocence by the eco-lessons in the new children's books that bothers me. After all, illiterate children in poverty all over the world have to face adult problems at an early age. What does bother me is that so much of the eco-science in these books is not true.

We can only hope that, if and when they learn the rest of the story, our children will also have learned a healthy skepticism for the printed word as being necessarily factual.

Robert Wallace Blake

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