Monday, April 13, 2009

Trust Us: We Mean Well - Edward John Craig - Planet Gore on National Review Online
I have another question: Since eco-conscious white Westerners have prevented the ready availability of DDT throughout Africa — thus helping to promote the malaria pandemic that kills hundreds of thousands of children every year — why would anyone anywhere listen to them about what's best for Africa?
Energy Secretary Steven Chu references Nicholas Stern on Global Warming | Newsweek Future Of Energy |
Zakaria: Skeptics say there's still conflicting evidence on global warming.
Chu: I urge everyone to do this: Google the 2007 IPCC report. The 100-year trend is unmistakable. The first thing to emphasize is don't get excited about one or two years. It's just like you should not get excited that one very bad hurricane is evidence there's global warming.

[Zakaria:] Can we really prevent global warming? Or should we be thinking more about adaptation? Building coastal fortifications may be cheaper than halting the release of CO2.
[Chu:] Right now, the climate scientists feel that if all humans shut off carbon emissions today, it will still glide up by about 1 degree centigrade. In the business-as-usual scenarios, Nicholas Stern says there's a 50 percent chance we may go to 5 degrees centigrade.
...Our dependency on foreign oil, our national security, our economic prosperity, and the climate-change issues [notice he lists climate change FOURTH]—these aren't ultimately political questions.

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