Friday, April 17, 2009

Tulsa World: Cold snap may have broken wheat crop
Last week's freezes have devastated Oklahoma's winter wheat and could end up killing 40 percent to 60 percent of the crop.

The freezes of April 6 and 7 dropped temperatures into the low teens in some parts of the state, damaging the maturing plants, especially in southeastern Oklahoma.

Agriculture researchers and officials say many farmers were hit so hard that it will be unprofitable to harvest their fields this year.
Gore group debuts [more climate swindle ads]: Where, specifically, did the money for these ads come from?
Former Vice President Al Gore's environmental coalition began airing radio ads Wednesday, targeting a small group of lawmakers that will weigh the fate next week of a divisive plan to cap carbon emissions.
The ads are set to run through next week, the first week lawmakers will be back in Washington and debating the Waxman-Markey climate bill. A spokesman for Mr. Gore's group would not say how much the ad buy was for, only describing it as "robust."
More heat than light | The Australian
The science on global warming is certainly not settled
--- assume we know how much the planet will warm this century and what effect this will have is a matter of faith, not reason. And faith-based research is less science than secular religion.

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