Saturday, April 25, 2009

Twitter / Elizabeth F Quilter
Is it harder to be against global warming on gorgeous, sunny days in April when the temperature is 20 degrees over normal? uh...yep
Twitter / Box of Gifts
people keep talking about climate change like its a disease but this has been happening for millions of years it is part of a natural cycle
AdelaideNow... Professor Ian Plimer's climate change book sparks debate
[Plimer] "What I've done is I've written this book as a compendium of the science so that the average punter can read it and validate the intuitive gut feelings that they've had because the punters out there are not stupid, they know when they've been fed rubbish."

Journalist Christopher Pearson from The Australian said he was honoured to serve as the master of ceremonies at the launch.

He says Dr Plimer has given sceptics a "campaign document" that contains all the ammunition they could want, packed into 493 eloquent pages.

"Heartened by it, perhaps some timid politicians in both main parties will at last feel at liberty to own up to their private reservations about warmist catastrophe," he says.

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