Sunday, April 05, 2009

Warning Signs: Journalism Today: A Very Thin Quill
When nearly half of those polled say that global warming is the very last topic on their mind these days newspapers are still full of references to a climate event that is just not happening. The Earth has been cooling since 1998. The Sun for nearly two years is virtually without any sunspots—magnetic storms—and the real news is that the Earth is truly threatened by two outcomes of this, both of which could result in the deaths of millions through starvation as increasing cold weather deters crop growth.
Patrick McIlheran: Climate science, unsettled -
Like Soon, they're all lunatics, the activists say, who, one must note, do not say this of Tsonis. The scientists' data and conclusions differ in key ways; all that binds the "deniers" is that their conclusions happen to be, unlike Tsonis', inconvenient for those who say climate disaster is imminent, that talk must end and action begin. One could expand the list to thousands of other scientists who stray from orthodoxy into "denial." What they're denying is the unimpeded propagation of motivating fear. [Via Climate Realists]

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