Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A Closer Look at the IPCC | Catholic Exchange
The sponsors of the IPCC, the United Nations, and liberal American politicians all share the goal of reducing Americans’ wealth by capping our consumption of energy with a binding international climate change treaty. They are willing to resort to scientific fraud to further their goal. In the words of Al Gore’s ally, former Under-Secretary of State Tim Wirth, “Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing” by reducing Americans’ consumption of fossil fuels. Keep that in mind whenever the IPCC is cited in support of a climate treaty.
Waxman-Markey Bill: What’s Next for Global Climate Deal? - Environmental Capital - WSJ
So the question becomes: Do the compromises that allowed Waxman-Markey to make it out of committee, and survive a vote in the full House, make it that much harder to get the rest of the world in line?
Creator of ‘Beavis and Butt-Head’ and ‘King of the Hill’ Has a New Target: Environmentalists - WSJ.com
Much as Mr. Judge’s series “King of the Hill” finds humor in the dramas of a working-class Texas family, “Goode” lampoons a liberal Midwestern household. In “Goode,” the characters are often mocked for being green just to fit in with their friends and neighbors. They are a perfect target for the 46-year-old Mr. Judge and his two longtime co-writers, John Altschuler and Dave Krinsky, who have made careers out of finding humor in the follies and pretensions of everyday people.

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