Wednesday, May 06, 2009

COLLAPSE OF CLIMATE CONSENSUS by Professor Will Alexander « An Honest Climate Debate
Following this climate change issue is like watching one of those crime thrillers on TV. They all have a surprise ending.

This whole climate change issue has three distinct components. They are scientific, economic and political. It started with the science. After Gleneagles it shifted gear. The economists under the leadership of Nicholas Stern took over. Then the politicians under the influence of Al Gore saw huge opportunities. It became like a ballet performance. All three parties danced to the same tune.

The climax is rapidly approaching. All the nations of the world (there are about 190 of them) have to agree to adopt very costly emissions control measures by December this year. It is like expecting a crowd of people, rich and poor, to cut off their little fingers in unison.

True to those crime thrillers, the plot thickens. Read the attached memo for details. Now I challenge you to identify the surprise ending.
Investor's Business Daily -- What Green Means
Marketing: The environmental left is conceding that its effort to "fight" global warming is in trouble because the public has tuned out the message. So the plan is to obscure the agenda even more.
What happens if one country decides to start geoengineering on its own? - By Eli Kintisch - Slate Magazine
Or is it too early to be discussing the Pinatubo option at all? Just under the surface of the Lisbon workshop lurked the ever-present worry among scientists that exploring geoengineering could dissuade the public from aggressive and expensive emissions-cutting measures—the risk of moral hazard. In a way, one might hope that the geoengineering alternative weren't available at all, said University of Calgary physicist David Keith. He asked us to imagine one could open a box ("call it Pandora's box") to find out for certain whether it would work. "Which do you wish for?" If it does work, it's going to be a colossal mess, he said. "But on the other hand, if it really serves to be a method of reducing the climate risk, and the climate risk is the essential thing. …" Later, he e-mailed me: "We should wish it works," he wrote.
Poll results reveal Daily Kos readers think cap and trade is “verging on a gigantic scam” | GORE LIED
And if Daily Kos readers think it’s “verging on a gigantic scam”, well….

Vote here.
Interviewed by Chris Matthews: Indiana's Own Mike Pence Says The Science Is Mixed On Global Climate Change
I'm a Hoosier. I was not aware that the science was mixed on global climate change. I'd say 'Who is this guy?', except that I know who he is.

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