Thursday, May 28, 2009

Errors in IPCC climate science » Blog Archive » AIR CON: The Seriously Inconvenient Truth About Global Warming
This book by New Zealand journalist Ian Wishart - a #1 bestselling author four times, surprised me by the completeness with which he reviewed and presents alternatives to the plethora of IPCC inspired spin and publicity which floods our media today. His sixteen chapters examining aspects of the debate are meticulously footnoted and thus are a valuable reference resource for those wishing to dig deeper or keep up to speed with the unfolding global warming / carbon reduction political drama in years to come.
Note- AIR CON is available online for about US$22 - dont miss out - see below.
Are you allowed to paint your roof white? - Telegraph
So I phoned Chris my builder – who has so far managed three separate and entirely successful conversions to my house, turns up on time, and doesn't leave half way through to start another job (no, you can't have his number) – to ask about painting my roof white. Could it be done?

"Well, it could, if you had a flat roof," he said reflectively. "You could cover a flat roof with solar reflective paint, which does exactly what Obama's man says. But not on angled roofs. I suspect the council wouldn't allow it anyway, as it would mess up the general view of the street."

So has anyone else ever wanted him to paint their roof white? "No one's asked – probably because it would look stupid."
What Giveth in the Ice Debate? (Southern Hemisphere) « Digital Diatribes
But the most egregiously overlooked information is the Southern Hemisphere ice extent. The charts above most definitively show more ice. They just do. Yes, I’ve heard the argument that “Well, you don’t understand climate modeling. Models actually predict more snow with global warming.”

I could actually buy that line, because a part of it makes a certain amount of sense. The problem is the dishonesty of application. When people thought there was less ice, you see, it was due to global warming, and sea levels were going to rise, like, 3000 feet. Now, we’re told that climate models predict more snow pack, and thus more ice.
Bravo, Burger King
I must admit that the nightmares I have about Burger King's regally creepy mascot already leave a bad taste in my mouth. But if the fast food industry's most famous underdogs are really taking a stand against global warming science, I'm breaking up with the oh-so-delicious Whopper for good. And I mean it this time.

Businesses usually don't court political controversy, but signs at (at least) two Memphis Burger King locations read: "Global Warming is Baloney." According to one employee at the Burger King on Union Avenue and Pauline, that's no mistake.

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