Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Global Warming Models Aren’t Worth a Damn | KXNet.com North Dakota News
The thing is that as the graph shows these models are wildly inaccurate over the short term. I don’t understand how anyone can say that bad science in the near term is good science for the long term.

Of course this doesn’t matter. Global warming is about instituting bigger government and world wide transfers of wealth. (Specifically our wealth going to third world kleptocrats.)

The fact that these models aren’t worth a damn is merely an inconvenient truth that can be ignored as long as their allies in the press let them.
Spokesman.com | Freeze watch posted for Tuesday night | May 11, 2009
...the region will be under threat of freezing weather that could damage sensitive foliage and plants, including tomatoes, fruit crops and bedding plants.
Letters: Global warming phony crisis | argusleader.com | Argus Leader
We are being set up for a phony crisis, the solution to which will enrich yet another ilk of globalists, only this time under the guise of "greening the planet."
Q&A: What really goes into that carbon footprint? | Green Tech - CNET News
In your book you say that whether you believe in global warming is beside the point.
Wilhelm: It is. If you're a businessman who doesn't think climate change is manmade, well, the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has said it is and they're coming out with climate regulations. The Kyoto Protocol is coming up and they'll have a new treaty in Copenhagen. So whether you believe or not, you're going to have to respond. The trend with consumers is huge and from a global perspective, climate change is like the Y2K event. The Y2K prep is nothing compared to what's coming this December, January, and February in terms of regulation.

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