Wednesday, May 20, 2009

GOP can yet prevail in a diverse America, Barbour asserts |
Barbour also was outspoken about Obama administration proposals to counter climate change.

It is an issue that has to be addressed, but the cost of what the president has proposed is so enormous that it is an awful attempt at a solution,” he says. “The energy policy of America ought to be more American energy, more affordable energy. Obama’s policy is more expensive energy and it will reduce the amount of American energy.”
Cap-and-trade: how much would the legislation tame global warming? | CEJournal
So if you’re wondering what impact it might have on climate, these numbers should give you some guidance. But again, caveat emptor: these model runs hide quite a bit of uncertainty. Your mileage may vary.
Roger Pielke comment on the complete nonsense at the link above
Two realities separate your scenario from the real world.

1. There is no hope or even provision for a cap and trade policy of any sort to be implemented globally. China and India have already stated they won’t play. Even if they did regulating flows across borders would require a global government - not gonna happen.

2. The scenario assumes that WM works. It won’t.
Has the Environmental Movement Been Torn Apart?
But more than anything, [Patrick Moore, a co-founder of Greenpeace has] lambasted activists for mounting "fear-based" campaigns about global warming.

"Many environmental campaigns are based on fear," he says. "Climate change, again, words like catastrophe and apocalypse, the collapse of human civilization, this is sensationalism.

"There's no evidence to show that that's going to happen. As a matter of fact right now the climate doesn't seem to be changing. Since 1996, there hasn't been any evidence the climate is changing."

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