Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Law of Unintended Consequences Strikes Again: Your “Green” Grocery Bags Harbor “unacceptably high levels…of Mold” | All American Blogger
Bacterial boils. That sounds really nice. Almost as nice as fecal matter. Oh yeah, the bags had fecal matter in them.

So, the unintended consequences of pimping these reusable bags is an increase of food poisoning and skin irritation. Personally, I’ll take plastic.

By the way, The simple solution is to wash your bags. With bleach.
BBC - Climate Change: The Blog of Bloom: Green campaigns can hurt the planet, says Giddens
Has the green movement had its day? Lord Anthony Giddens, sociologist and author of 'The Politics of Climate Change', believes that the hostility that some greens show towards big business, mainstream politics, nuclear power and new-fangled technologies is an obstacle in the fight against climate change.
Stern says keep politics out of climate change - 26 May 2009 - BusinessGreen.com
"We must stop saying things like, 'green is the new red'," he said, "Climate change has nothing at all to do with left or right issues."
Al Fin: Obama's Policies Based on Pseudo-Science -- Real Scientists Hard At Work Doing Experiments
Obama's religion of manmade climate catastrophe is based upon pseudo-science. But since the debate is not over, and since the science is not yet in, real scientists are looking at some huge gaps in atmospheric knowledge. These gaps in the science of climate are huge and demand to be studied and filled in. Once the ignorance is dispelled, it should soon be clear that Obama and his bubble-headed cronies of green fantasy are simply destroying the economy of the US based upon a false premise.

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