Tuesday, May 26, 2009

No Good Can Come From Bad Science by Joseph A Olson, PE | Climate Realists
In large markets the local media tout the expertise of their PhD Staff Meteorologists.
The public is treated daily to the accuracy of this branch of science. Public trust is earned thru efficacy. If the political will is to change behavior then just be honest in motives and methods. Conserving energy should be implemented based on it own merits. Human caused global warming preys on our primordial fear of the products of combustion. We all have a visceral distaste for smokestacks and tailpipes. The AGW movement exploits this fear with a simplistic and false hypothesis. If the AGW movement prevails it will be the triumph of superstition over science.
Roger Helmer MEP 'Cool Thinking on Climate Change' | Climate Realists

"Evidence is quite clearly emerging that man is not having the impact on the climate that the EU climate alarmists claim. They have failed to note that throughout Earth’s history temperatures have exceeded today’s levels. There have been warm periods followed by cyclical cooling, as there will be again.
Half-witted British doctor says climate change is the cholera of our era
See below. He of all people should know that cold (as in winter) kills a lot more people than warmth (as in summer). He should be celebrating warming if it were public health that concerned him. But Professor Sir Muir Gray is obviously an establishment figure who is just doing his best to uphold establishment beliefs. He didn't get a knighthood for rocking the boat

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