Monday, May 11, 2009

Ralph Nader on the cap and trade fiasco -
I’m really astonished, because I would have thought they would have gone for a carbon tax. I mean, it’s not going to work. It’s too complex. It’s too easily manipulated politically. Right now, they’re having a battle over whether they can even auction the credits off for money. The industry doesn’t want auctions for money. So, they’re already having a battle right from the takeoff. I have to call Markey and see why did he ever buy into that.

Most people who know anything about this subject and its administrative feasibly say that a carbon tax is far better.
We're saved!: China to put allegedly deadly pollutant where it belongs - in beverages
Even among China’s newly built plants, not all are modern. Only about 60 percent of the new plants are being built using newer technology that is highly efficient, but more expensive.

With greater efficiency, a power plant burns less coal and emits less carbon dioxide for each unit of electricity it generates. Experts say the least efficient plants in China today convert 27 to 36 percent of the energy in coal into electricity. The most efficient plants achieve an efficiency as high as 44 percent, meaning they can cut global warming emissions by more than a third compared with the weakest plants.
China has just built a small, experimental facility near Beijing to remove carbon dioxide from power station emissions and use it to provide carbonation for beverages, and the government has a short list of possible locations for a large experiment to capture and store carbon dioxide. But so far, it has no plans to make this a national policy.
Of Exceptional Climate Phenomena…In The XIX Century! « The Unbearable Nakedness of CLIMATE CHANGE
From Gustave Flaubert’s “Dictionary of Received Ideas“, “(in French, Le Dictionnaire des idées reçues) is a short satirical work collected and published in 1911-3 from notes compiled by Gustave Flaubert during the 1870s, lampooning the clichés endemic to French society” (text retrieved from this link):

SUMMER Always ‘unusual’. (See WINTER.)

WINTER Always ‘unusual’. (See SUMMER.)
Twitter / ArcticSurvey
[Catlin alarmist] Ice Team could be picked up off the ice as soon as Wednesday
The Canadian Sentinel: Proof The Harper Govt Hasn't Bought Al Gore's Big Lies
The Harper Conservatives, contrary to the fears of many conservatives, has NOT fallen victim to the Big Lies and brainwashing of Al Gore's absurd global-warming-climate-change Scam of the Century.

The global-warming-obsessed "scientists" who protest too much don't want to trust reasonable people who demand proof as opposed to Big Lies and intimidation.

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