Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Snow in Saudi Arabia in May? « Watts Up With That?
The last report we had like this in mid January said that the snow and cold was the “worst in 30 years“. In January, snow isn’t unexpected in Saudi Arabia, it has happened before. But in May?
Rock and snow hit Snoqualmie Pass area | Yakima Herald-Republic Online
...No sooner had the highway reopened about 7:15 a.m., when falling snow prompted authorities to require motorists to use traction tires for several hours on Snoqualmie Pass.

Meanwhile, the new snow killed Tuesday’s planned reopening of 4,675-foot Cayuse Pass, which is in Mount Rainier National Park and reached from Yakima by using U.S. Highway 12. It’s now unclear when that reopening will take place.
Seasonal Affective Disorder at Simon's Rock - News
Growing up in New York, I've always been exposed to icy and long winters. Some people are quite fond of the cold, while others bitterly resent it. Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD, is a mood disorder in which normally stable individuals experience depression in the winter, a state that may persist until the seasons change.

Cold, gloomy weather can dampen any interest in going outdoors, affecting a person's day-to-day lifestyle as well. I, myself, don't like this time of year. It makes being outside unpleasant and tends to keep me looking for reasons to stay in the dorm.

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