Friday, May 08, 2009

Spanish Solar Subsidy Seduces FPL, Scorches Consumers (Update3) -
May 8 (Bloomberg) -- Spain has turned itself into the world’s biggest builder of solar-energy plants, attracting developers from the U.S. and France by guaranteeing prices that weigh down Spanish consumers.

The government promotes clean fuels by letting generators charge as much as 10 times more for power from the sun or wind than from burning coal. The premium, added to bills of homes and businesses, has spawned a solar-investment boom by utilities, from Florida’s FPL Group Inc. to Electricite de France SA.
Who wouldn’t want to enter a business that’s paid many times more than the market rate, and where the customer is guaranteed for life?” said Gabriel Calzada, an economist and professor at Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid.
Millions making big sacrifices to pay utilities bills, new research confirms
Warnings of pensioners going hungry in order to heat their homes weren't over-the-top, after all, new research shows

A new report has served to confirm the fears of many consumer groups and charities – that millions of UK households are having to cut back on their food bills and other essential simply to pay for their gas and electricity.
Obama Administration Won’t Save Polar Bear from Bush’s Rule Change : Planetsave
The Obama administration’s Secretary of the Interior, Ken Salazar, announced today that he won’t be changing George W. Bush’s rule that global factors, such as climate change, cannot be considered in analyzing the polar bear’s survival.

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