Friday, May 15, 2009

Video - Gore pitches climate fraud on CNN
CNN's John Roberts talks with former Vice President Al Gore about global warming. [Roberts actually asks a question along the lines of "Why don't the American people care about your 'crisis'?"]
Shenanigans: The lighter side of politics -
Barrasso’s a YouTube hit

Sen. John Barrasso is quite popular on YouTube. His grilling of EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson over the EPA’s “smoking gun” memo has outranked “America’s Next Top Model” in YouTube rankings, which says a lot either about people’s obsession with EPA hearings or about “ANTM.”
Days Late and a Few Euros Short, Amigos - Chris Horner - Planet Gore on National Review Online
Someone informed me today that the White House has decided to stop invoking Spain's "green jobs" experience. This is on the heels of a devastating report widely carried in U.S. and Spanish media revealing that this supposed example for America to follow was actually a bit of a disaster — one that Spain had been hoping we would help bail them out of by buying into, specifically by buying their windmills and solar panels. The latter objective comes to us courtesy of the head of Spain's renewable-energy association, who was reduced to calling the study's author unpatriotic for letting the cat out of the bag, and who would save them now?
ABC admits: we shouldn’t have flogged Earth Hour | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
To explain, those cited sections of the ABC’s editorial policies prohibit the broadcast of material likely to compromise the ABC/’s independence, directly promote a political issue and take a position on a contentious issue. How did Robyn ”100 metres” Williams not know his announcements would offend the ABC’s rules on three grounds?

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