Tuesday, June 09, 2009

AccuWeather’s Joe Bastardi: “the ’science is in’ crowd does not want them to see facts” and parts of US to have “year without a summer” « Watts Up With That?
The NOAA Climate Prediction Center 8-14 day forecast says it is already shaping up to be a cold June...
Mainstream media fails climate change coverage as NIPCC issues new book
The Heartland Institute answered all this nonsense with a conference studiously ignored by pomp media. The Institute has also come up with a moniker for their think tank: The Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change. There’s a new book, ‘Climate Change Reconsidered,’ that pulls together research and projections absent the strong arm of government dictating findings ahead of time.

That Mainstream Media missed all this is no surprise, but it’s a bona fide shame. Some might go so far as to call it deliberately misleading.
At The UK Hadley Centre, They Know Something Nobody Else Knows… « The Unbearable Nakedness of CLIMATE CHANGE
There might be very few things I understand about climate, but one there is: whoever speaks of PREDICTIONS or FORECASTS concerning the climate many decades in the future, they have failed to understand an extremely important aspect of climatology.
Tim Berners-Lee: internet could help combat climate change and cancer - Telegraph
Sir Tim said the increasing mass of online information could help experts to spot breakthroughs in the battles against illnesses like cancer and Alzheimer's, as well as global warming.

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