Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Australia opposition accuses government of blackmail | Markets | Reuters
CANBERRA, June 11 (Reuters) - Australia's opposition accused the government on Thursday of "legislated blackmail"after tieing millions of dollars in business compensation for new renewable energy laws to a doomed scheme for carbon emissions trading.

The major conservative opposition and Australian Greens, wielding the upper house balance-of-power, said the government was threatening $22 billion in planned energy investment by linking renewable energy laws to its ill-fated carbon trade regime. "This is legislated blackmail," Greens leader Bob Brown told state radio.
We're saved: Toshiba vows to make the world's weather cooler
Toshiba Group, a Corporate Citizen of the Planet Earth, is committed to realizing a better environment. Guided by "Toshiba Group Environmental Vision 2050" the Group is implementing measures to boost environmental efficiency by 10 times in FY2050, against the benchmark of FY2000. The core target is to reduce projected CO2 emissions by a total equivalent to 117.7 million tons a year by FY2025, through the development and sales of highly efficient power supply equipment and systems, and the manufacture of environmentally conscious home appliances and office equipment. By working to mitigate global warming, make efficient use of resources and control management of chemicals, Toshiba Group creates value for people and promotes lifestyles in harmony with the Earth.
We're saved!: "Reviving American chestnuts may mitigate climate change"
A Purdue University study shows that introducing a new hybrid of the American chestnut tree would not only bring back the all-but-extinct species, but also put a dent in the amount of carbon in the Earth's atmosphere.
"This is not the only answer," Jacobs said. "We need to rely less on fossil fuels and develop alternate forms of energy, but increasing the number of American chestnuts, which store more carbon, can help slow the release of carbon into the atmosphere."
The Stry Foundation, Electric Power Research Institute, and Hardwood Tree Improvement and Regeneration Center funded the research.

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