Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Australian Climate Madness: Steve Fielding to be re-admitted to State facility
That's the "Penny Wong Memorial Climate Re-Programming Facility" of the Peoples Republic of Kruddistan. One visit was clearly not enough, so back he'll go, for another encounter with the high-voltage electrodes applied to delicate parts of the body. And he'll keep going back until he admits that anthropogenic CO2 causes "global warming" [er, surely, "climate change"? - Ed]:
This whole spectacle is utterly ludicrous - elected politicians in a democracy are not permitted to hold "heretical" views about an area of science that has become more like a religion.
Tesco [falls for laughable sales pitch?: Buy this machine and the world's weather will improve]
“Once installed the turbine will provide enough power to provide all the electricity needs for four houses for a year. That may not sound like a lot but when it comes to fighting climate change, Every Little Helps.

If granted, the wind turbine will generate the equivalent of the amount of energy needed to power the store's tills throughout the day.

The manufacturers, TNEI Services, which has worked on projects with Tesco throughout the country, anticipated that the turbine would have a lifespan of 15 years.

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