Monday, June 08, 2009

Banned at Sudbury Airport [?] « Climate Audit
When I arrived in Sudbury Airport on Friday night, I logged onto the airport internet terminal (conveniently free) and tried to access Climate Audit. Access was blocked. I was -

Banned in Sudbury.
So Why Are We Even Bothering with Cap and Trade? | Coyote Blog
The reason, of course, is that Congress may nominally support cap-and-trade (mainly because it is hip and trendy, not because they really understand it) but they most certainly do not buy into the philosophy behind it — that millions of individuals can make better decisions collectively than a few planners in Washington. Because Congress most certainly thinks they are smarter than everyone else and can make better decisions.

Of course, this is absurd. Has anyone tested these mandates above and seen if they are a less costly way to reduce emissions than other steps? Of course not, just as they did not for the new CAFE standards. In fact, I can prove it — Do making massive investments in insulation and air conditioning efficiency make any sense in San Diego? Of course not — in that mild climate, these are near useless investments. Does making me buy a more fuel efficient car to drive my 1.5 mile commute make sense? Of course not. But this is exactly what is happening, because Congress can only regulate to the mean, and the result is that in many cases its commands make no sense. Which is exactly why cap-and-trade was invented, ironically.
Buried Code -
THE RUNNING joke in Washington is that nobody has read the 900-plus-page energy bill sponsored by Reps. Henry A. Waxman (D-Calif.) and Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.), which the House will consider in coming weeks. What you hear from its backers is that its cap-and-trade provisions would create a market-based program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions -- which should mean that a simple, systemwide incentive encourages polluters to make the easiest reductions in greenhouse gases first, keeping the costs of fighting global warming to a minimum. In fact, the bill also contains regulations on everything from light bulb standards to the specs on hot tubs, and it will reshape America's economy in dozens of ways that many don't realize. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"...regulations on everything from light bulb standards..."

Many people don't realize what "light bulb regulation" means for all the other electric appliances:

Why on Gaia's earth should the greens allow you to drive a heavy electic vehicle around the countryside just for "fun" when they on the other hand don't allow you to have the electricity use of an ordinary lightbulb?

When pigs fly will the greens allow you to have an electric car for fun! They'll require permits to be issued for your "need" to have a car. And if you live in an suburban home, and your job is in the Metro, they'll decide you don't need a car and you'll be "ordered" to move closer there. This is their true goal, and all the talk about electric cars is just a transition phase towards that goal, they do it gradually, boiling us like frogs.