Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Believer Steven Dutch weighs in: The Science and Pseudoscience of Global Warming
[instructions to climate realists] Show conclusively that an increase in carbon dioxide will not result in global warming. Pointing to flaws in the climate models, possible alternative explanations, and unanswered questions won't cut it. We know carbon dioxide traps infrared and we know climate is getting warmer. There's a plausible cause and effect relationship there. You have to show there is not a causal link. You can do that either by identifying what is the cause ("might be" or "possible alternative" isn't good enough) or by showing that somehow extra carbon dioxide does not trap solar heat.
Climate fraud used to justify network of wildlife areas
Washington, June 2 (ANI): A new research has demonstrated that a network of wildlife areas can be a crucial tool to help biodiversity survive future climate change.

The research team, led by Durham University, including BirdLife International and the RSPB (BirdLife in the UK) looked at the effects of climate change on 815 bird species of conservation concern in sub-Saharan Africa and on the network of sites designated for them (termed Important Bird Areas).
They also underline the importance of providing ‘green corridors’ to help wildlife to move to find new climatically suitable areas.
New Zealand: The Climate In May: Cold!
National Climate Summary – May 2009: Early start to winter. Lowest May temperatures ever in many locations and double normal rainfall for most of South Island

• Temperature: Well below ave/rage over most of the country; many areas experiencing lowest recorded May temperatures. [Via Global Freeze]

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