Monday, June 29, 2009

 CBO Ignores Economic Impact of Democrats’ Climate Bill
( – The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) did not calculate the economic costs of House Democrats’ massive cap and trade legislation, only accounting for how the government plans to collect and redistribute revenues from selling carbon emissions permits.
EPA global warming report nixed
The President is not obliged to accept the conclusions of a staffer at the EPA, but that staffer works for us, ultimately. We have the right to know the facts and even the insights of those on the taxpayer payroll. It is a fact that global temperatures have trended downward over the past 11 years as greenhouse gas emissions have increased. That's not to say that trending toward lower carbon emissions is not a good idea. But, the urgency smells very phony. This is not about saving the planet. It's about money and control.
Maroon Colored Glasses: Global warming is a scam
Further Obama news today: He introduced new "lighting standards" to the nation intended to reduce energy consumption by using all compact fluorescent light bulbs, starting in the White House. Unfortunately for Obama, this "example" was a step taken by President Bush a few years ago, in all White House light fixtures except chandeliers. Just view this as a first step towards Federal regulation of what light bulbs we are allowed to use.

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