Friday, June 26, 2009

Do ten times more Americans believe in astrology than believe in catastrophic global warming?

9 damned good reasons why some U.S. environmentalists should heartily oppose Waxman-Markey | Grist
I’d like to offer 9 damned good reasons why some U.S. environmentalists should heartily oppose Waxman-Markey, even though it’s the best we can hope for in Congress.
9. I suppose this is merely a distillation of the above, but it still deserves a separate point, I think. The climate core, the 3% of the U.S. population who are haunted by climate change, dismiss U.S. environmentalists as hopelessly compromised.
Religious beliefs of Americans about ghosts, Satan, Heaven, Hell, etc.
Believe in the accuracy of astrology 31%

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