Thursday, June 04, 2009

Dr Roy's Thoughts: Climate Realist Conference, Washington D.C.
The 3rd Climate Realist conference in Washington was great. The talk started off with Dr Lindzen from MIT who gave a devastating indictment of the chicken littles and the weak scientists who back them up. I will post the video as soon as it is put up.
It was great to hear 2 congressmen and Senator Inhofe denounce the ruinous Waxman Markey tax grab. I got a chance to speak to Senator Inhofe who has been fighting the chicken littles for some time.
Professor Calzada and I had a chat about Bill Clinton's latest statements in Spain.
It ended with another stellar performance by Lord Monckton.
Poodar – Finally a good use of tax dollars. « the Air Vent
Unless they mean that in 100 years 95% of the currently alive penguins will be pushing up icebergs to be replaced by new penguins, this model is as much BS as you can pack into a computer and still have it run.
A response to the IPCC « Watts Up With That?
Lord Christopher Monckton, former science advisor to Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, who has closed each of the two previous international climate conferences, once again brought the crowd to its feet in a cheering standing ovation when he concluded his typically witty speech, “… the highly placed conspirators who seek to ride the climate scare to world domination have reckoned without one thing. You. You are here, and you will not let the truth go.

“Thanks to you, it is becoming evident that the rent-seeking promoters of this great boondoggle, through the very scientific ignorance that they had sought to exploit in others, have merely deluded themselves.

“In the end, it will be here, in the United States, that the truth will first emerge. … Not in Europe, for we are no longer free. … It is here, in this great nation founded upon liberty, that the battle for the world’s freedom will be won.”

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