Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Eco-Terrorists Want a Dirty Bomb? - Greg Pollowitz - Planet Gore on National Review Online
..."That's of great concern," said Chu, referring to the Y-12 site. "We will be looking hard and making sure physical security of those sites (at Y12) is sufficient to prevent eco-terrorists and others getting hold of that material."
The far-Left wants to nuke American cities???
Another sign that climate hysteria is dying: Washington Post article on coal plant opposition fails to promote global warming fraud
Moran says the plant, proposed to begin operating in 2017, will contribute to air pollution and will dump pollutants into the Chesapeake Bay watershed.
American politics is becoming a hate sport | Washington Examiner
What do John Brown, Scott Roeder and an anonymous poster at Talking Points Memo have in common? All three believe there is no reason not to kill people who disagree with your political opinion. Brown lived more than a century before and helped incite the American Civil War, but Roeder and the TPM poster are walking among us today. And there is one key point on which Roeder differs from Brown and the TPM poster.
Cameron Diaz Makes A Low-Budget Environmental Documentary
“‘I’m sad,’ Diaz says later, in the car on the way to a Mexican joint for dinner. ‘It’s just sad.’ She drains a plastic water bottle and tosses it on the floor of the car. ‘And I’m unhappy about the waste I just produced.’ Diaz and Dylan, sitting next to her in the backseat, conclude that we as a people are summarily, environmentally ‘f*cked.’ In fact, that quickly becomes the leitmotif of the trip, and it cracks them up every time. Diaz, out of the blue: ‘You know what we are?’ Dylan: ‘Let me guess—f*cked?’”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

" the car on the way to a Mexican joint for dinner..."

I wonder how long Cameron Diaz' support for climate change propaganda would last if new regulations would ban those unnecessary trips - lots of carbon just to eat fancy dinner, when she could have stayed at home and eaten carbon neutral veggies. Also interesting to see how "hot" she would be perceived then.