Wednesday, June 17, 2009

GCCI #4: I Am Calling Bullsh*t on this Chart | Climate Skeptic
I know that skepticism is a lost art in journalism, so I will forgive Mr. Drum. But in running a business, people put all kinds of BS analyses in front of me trying to get me to spend my money one way or another. And so for those of us for whom data analysis actually has financial consequences, it is a useful skill to be able to recognize a steaming pile of BS when one sees it.

First, does anyone here really think that we have seen a 200-fold increase in electrical grid outages over the last 15 years but no one noticed? Really?
From 1998 to today, when the electrical outage chart was shooting up, the US was actually cooling slightly!

This goes back to the reason why alarmists abandoned the “global warming” term in favor of climate change. They can play this bait and switch, showing changes in climate (which always exist) and then blaming them on CO2. But there is no mechanism ever proposed by anyone where CO2 can change the climate directly without going through the intermediate step of warming. If climate is changing but we are not seeing warming, then the change can’t be due to CO2. But you will never see that fact in this helpful government propaganda piece.
We're saved!: Clotheslines Climate Action Project will employ six
GTEDC will be hiring six people under 30 and one coordinator to install clotheslines as an alternative energy project to help homeowners and apartment dwellers stop using clothes dryers that consume large amounts of natural gas or electricity.

Here is how it works: a representative will first come to a home to see where the clothesline would be placed. They will have homeowners sign a contract agreeing to the long-term use of the clothesline. These 1,000 clotheslines will be given out for free. This project will help families cut greenhouse gas emissions. Families also save $100 a year or reduce 6 to 10 per cent of their electric bills by using clotheslines. In fact, if we got rid of all our electric/gas dryers we would reduce the emissions equal to145,000 cars in Ontario. That is why this work is so important. Since the goal is to dramatically lower emissions, bicycles will be ridden most days to the various sites. Work will start as early as July 10. Some employment will run only for the summer but other work will continue to spring.

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