Saturday, June 20, 2009

Baptist ministers urge passage of climate-change bill
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (ABP) -- A total of 140 moderate Baptist leaders signed a June 18 letter urging passage of a comprehensive energy bill that includes caps on emissions linked to global warming.
Historic parallels in our time: the killing of cattle -vs- carbon « Watts Up With That?
From our perspective as a modern society, the actions of the Xhosa would seem foolhardy, even insane. First let me say, I’m not at all against alternate energy, or improved or even different technology. Heck, I drive an electric car myself and have done two solar power projects. But Waxman-Markey, if enacted, will be the equivalent of killing all our cattle at once. It took us over 100 years to get where we are now, we can’t expect change overnight, it must be gradual.

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