Saturday, June 13, 2009

IPCC Admits they Could be Wrong about Humans Causing Global Warming « Roy Spencer, Ph. D.
If that headline surprises you, then it is a good indication of how successful the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has been in their 20-year long effort to pin the rap for global warming on humanity. I’m not reporting anything really new here. I’m just stating what is logically consistent with, and a necessary inference from, one of the most recognizable claims contained in the Summary for Policymakers in the IPCC’s 2007 report:
Climate pact: What kind of deal can emerge in Copenhagen?
"I don't see anyone coming forward with anything that could prepare the ground for a breakthrough," said Kim Carstensen of green group WWF. "What I see is the reverse, I see ground being prepared for a battle."
Rumours abound, too, of preparations for accommodating President Barack Obama in Copenhagen, although whether this is in the role of deal-maker or deal-blesser is unclear.
"Either way, we are talking about a tax": Dude, Where's My Cap-And-Trade Primer? : NPR
Congress is about to take up legislation to curb carbon emissions with a cap-and-trade program. To understand how the cap-and-trade system works, no textbook is required. You just have to be familar with the word dude — like surfer dude.

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