Monday, June 29, 2009

It's a religion, all right: Still more leftwing self-parody

Sherman Yellen on The Huffington Post: And the Rains Came
This has been the wettest month of June in recent memory. Is it a coincidence that the word rain is a jumbled version of Iran where civilization has had a nervous breakdown? Is our climate having a breakdown as well? Climatologists point to global warming as the cause of this rain, and my soggy mind has been occupied with building an ark -- the kind Noah had constructed when faced by the great flood -- only I'm building it inside my roiling brain. Now comes the big question. With whom do we fill it?
There would be no room for certain radio talk hosts; the Limbaughs of the world would be left outside to float like flotsam as they condemn God as a lefty from their watery graves.
Sadly, my ark would sink all too quickly under the weight of our past transgressions against the earth, no matter how well it was built. Global warming, rising tides, and the disasters that will surely come unless we turn our planet into a sustainable ark with clean air, unpolluted waters, and healthy forests and save ourselves now. The work of the world begins today. Not next year. A pile of lumber and a prayer won't do it anymore. So save the olive from the olive branch for a last martini as we toast mankind's survival and pledge ourselves to everyday acts to save our planet rather than dream of future salvation from above.

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