Monday, June 29, 2009

NASA GISS: adjustments galore, rewriting U.S. climate history « Watts Up With That?
Guest post by Bob Tisdale

Many of us have seen gif animations and blink comparators of the older version of Contiguous U.S. GISTEMP data versus the newer version, and here’s yet another one. The presentation is clearer than most.
Radio New Zealand News : Govt to ask public about greenhouse gas target
The Government is to hold public meetings on setting a target to reduce the country's greenhouse gas emissions by 2020.

It intends to table the target at the next round of international climate change negotiations in Germany in August.

Climate Change Minister Nick Smith says the 2020 target is a decision with major implications for the environment and economy.

He says it needs to be realistic so the economy is not put at risk, and must also be achievable so the country does not risk its international reputation by failing to deliver.
The Heartland Institute - Opposing Views: OPINION: Why You Should Embrace Carbon Dioxide
The scientific facts clearly show carbon dioxide is a good thing, not something we should fear.

CO2 is not a pollutant.
Opinion | Replace state property tax with carbon tax for climate [hoax] action | Seattle Times Newspaper
Washington state could make strides to reduce carbon emissions by repealing the state property tax and imposing a carbon tax, argue guest columnists Bruce Flory and Todd Myers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"...CO2 is not a pollutant...."

They always like to switch their justification to whatever suits them at the moment. First it's CO2 causing "climate change" but then when it is being exposed as fraudulent, then it becomes "oil shortages" and if that doesn't work maybe they'll throw in some "ocean acidification" and some "good old" "air pollution", and if all doesn't work, someone whispers it could all be a backdoor plan to impose tariffs against Chinese goods.

All of that is unacceptable. Should saving us from "climate change" not be what they want, shall they finally say so. (We all know in the end it's the UN's earth charter, global redistribution of wealth, from rich to poor countries, wiping out of the middle class, reducing us to peasants, population reduction to "sustainable" level of 500 million slaves serving the elite)