Monday, June 29, 2009

Plant Waste Powered Limos to Bring World Leaders to Copenhagen Climate Talks : TreeHugger
If you're hosting the world's most important conference on climate change, you sort of have to sweat the small stuff. Eyes from around the globe will be watching to see what progress the world leaders can make towards uniting to combat global warming in your town. So you can't very well send any old gas guzzling limousine to cart the green-inclined heads of state around Copenhagen. Which is why Denmark has worked out a solution that's both environmentally conscious and luxurious--limos that run on experimental biofuels made from plant waste will ferry the likes of Gordon Brown and Barack Obama around the city.
Willful Blindness | Coyote Blog
So is it fair to call it willful blindness when Krugman ignores principled arguments against catastrophic anthropogenic global warming theory in favor of painting all skeptics as unthinking robots driven by political goals? Yes it is.
David Limbaugh: New Column: The Censorious Left's Global Warming Denier Deniers
What say you, President Obama?

If you and your comrades are so sure of your science, why -- other than, perhaps, your mission to destroy capitalism -- are you silencing and/or ignoring dissenting science?

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