Friday, June 12, 2009

Pop Vox: Newsweek's Daily Arts and Culture Blog : Author Michael Pollan [promotes climate fraud; also informs farmers that cows won't die if you feed them a little corn]
Gostin: Why is it so terrible that cows eat corn?
Pollan: Because it makes them sick when they eat it in large quantities. A little corn is not going to kill them, but when it's 80 to 90 percent of their diet, it deranges their metabolism.
...Your meat consumption is probably your biggest contribution to climate change. tries to sell us on the alleged joys of riding a bike in bitter cold [to fight global warming]
And the convenience factor of Frocking around still holds. When less fortunate people are waiting, frozen, for steamy, germ-filled buses (which seem to be even more erratic when it’s cold), you zoom past on your own timetable – sporting a pretty glow in your cheeks!
That said, we’re not in denial of the single-digit temperatures, nor the Southerly gales that remind you there’s nothing between little Aotearoa and big old Antarctica.
The Waxman/Markey Energy Bill: Hey, who turned out the lights?? | the 941
We no longer have just a theory behind the suspicions, but we have the science that backs the arguments. Even the scientists have given us a how-to manual with little stickers to put on the calendar that mark the years of our efforts. And to top it off, we have a Democratic majority! What more could we ask for?

Well frankly, a lot.

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