Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Teacher takes fossil-fueled trip to Greenland; reports that it's really cold up there
“It was so cold on the sled because you aren’t moving,” she said. “I had to sit there and eat just to keep warm.”
Miss Rowland found that she had lost half a stone during her time away, despite eating between 3-4,000 calories a day.

Much of this was due to the freezing temperatures, which dropped to minus 28 some nights and were often only minus 15 during the day when combined with a wind-chill factor.
Destroying National Sovereignty: The Real Face of "Global Warming" - Interview with Lord Christopher Monckton | Climate Realists
Please click to download PDF file from to read FULL report.
Ehrlich says Obama agenda could mean victories for GOP
In his speech, Ehrlich said Obama's health plan costs $634 billion that "we don't have." Energy state Democrats don't want to vote for his cap-and-trade program, which would allow companies to buy and sell pollution credits, Ehrlich said.

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