Saturday, June 06, 2009

Update: Romm defends remarks as 'not a threat, but a prediction' -- Strangle Skeptics in Bed! 'An entire generation will soon be ready to strangle you and your kind while you sleep in your beds' | Climate Depot
[Update: Joe Romm has deleted the remarks on June 6, but defends the strangling skeptics in bed comment as "clearly not a threat but a prediction" and claimed "some people misread it." Romm wrote: "The original was clearly not a threat but a prediction -- albeit one that I certainly do not agree with. Since some people misread it, I am editing it." ]
The Illusion and Politics of Necessity — Climate Resistance: Challenging Climate Orthodoxy
The arguments that many activists put forward are effectively a cascade of ‘one follows the other’ assumptions that diminish in their necessity and certainty as they move away from what has been established by climate science, into the increasingly contingent domain of Nth-order effects of Nth-order effects.
Here is the weather ... for July 2080 [Ok, now will you PLEASE cough up those trillions of dollars!?]
Some may question how the Met Office can make predictions a lifetime into the future, when it struggles to produce forecasts for the next few months. However, climate change impacts are predicted to be so strong that, over decades, they are easier to predict than short-term changes.

London is predicted to suffer the worst with a combination of global warming and the so-called urban heat-island effect pushing daytime summer temperatures to stiflingly hot peaks of 41C by 2080, compared with a maximum of 31C now.

1 comment:

papertiger said...

So basicly Joe Romm agrees that in the future vengeful people will be forced to wander in the dark if Climate Change legislation is passed.

Sounds right to me.