Saturday, June 27, 2009

Voting For Economic Suicide
The spectacle of the House voting for a massive tax increase and a 300 page amendment they could not have read is a low point for post-segregationist Congresses. Never have so few read so little about so important a proposal, and yet brazen forward oblivious to the the deeply embarrassing charade it presents to the world. Banana republics make a better show of governing themselves than did the U.S. House of Representatives today.

The only good thing about this disaster for the country's reputation is the undeniable message it sends to voters about just how hard left the Democrats are and at the same time just how irresponsible the Obama/Pelosi/Reid majority is. Not only does today's debacle strengthen the case for a massive course correction and return to balance in D.C. in 2010, it also should increase resistance to the similarly radical attempt to remake American medicine into a single-payer, government-dominated, Canada-style plan. A majority so obviously indifferent to the substance of "legislation" they pass should not be trusted with the medicine that Americans need to live well and long.
No Party Tag for Conyers' Wife; Just 20 Secs on 'Cap & Trade' Amidst 95% Jackson |
ABC also uniquely found a little time, a mere 20 seconds, to mention House action on President Obama's “cap and trade” bill. As noted by the MRC's Business and Media Institute, for months the ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts have barely covered the bill “that would cost each family $1,241 a year.” CBS and NBC kept up the near-blackout again Friday night. Gibson outlined how “the bill would impose limits pollution from power plants and factories and force a shift from fossil fuels to renewable energy,” but also noted: “Critics charge it will drive up energy costs for consumers.”
Cap and Trade Sham Passes « Welcome to
I will speak more on this subject in the coming days, but I wanted to focus on the vote. There were 42 Democrats who sided with the GOP in an attempt to defeat this bill. Before you get all giddy – realize that a few of those included leftist nuts like Dennis Kucinich who felt that the bill didn’t go far enough. Mostly, though, the Democrats were conservatives or Dems in unsafe House seats who heard the message from their constituents loud and clear. Apparently, the House switchboard melted down with people calling in to voice their displeasure over this legislative piece of crap. The overwhelming number of calls were reported to be in opposition to this irresponsible sham.

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